XV FISV Congress

Sapienza University of Rome

Rome, Italy
18-21 September 2018


Programme [12/10/2018]

Programme & Abstracts book [23/10/2018]

  • Tuesday, 18 September




    Opening & Welcome     [Aula Magna]

    Eugenio Gaudio (Rector, Sapienza University of Rome)

    Gennaro Ciliberto (FISV President)


    Tribute to Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza: a Pioneering Geneticist     [Aula Magna]

    Lucio Luzzatto (Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania)



    The EMBO Keynote Lecture     [Aula Magna]
    FISV Lecture Riccardo Cortese

    Chair: Valeria Poli (Turin)

    Wolf Reik (The Babraham Institute and University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK)
    Single cell epigenome landscape of development and ageing


    Plenary Symposium     [Aula Magna]
    The Circadian Clock. A Living Organism’s Best Friend in a Spinning World

    Chairs: Alex Costa (Milan), Rodolfo Costa (Padua)

    Amita Sehgal (Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Pennsylvania, USA)
    How do clocks control behavior and physiology: insights from a small animal model

    Jay C. Dunlap (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA)
    The regulatory network governing global responses to changes in light and time

    Alex A. R. Webb (University of Cambridge, UK)
    Dynamic plasticity of circadian oscillators


    Coffee break     [Terrace]


    Round Table     [Aula Magna • This session will be in Italian]
    Which future for the smart biotechnologies

    Chair: Anna Meldolesi (Corriere della sera, CRISPeR Mania)

    Anna Cereseto (Università di Trento)
    Andrea Lenzi (Sapienza Università di Roma e CNBBSV)
    Massimo Losito (Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Roma)
    Michele Morgante (Università di Udine)
    Luigi Naldini (San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milano)
    Sandro Vitale (Istituto di Biologia e Biotecnologia Agraria, CNR, Milano)


    Welcome Cocktail     [Terrace]


  • Wednesday, 19 September


    Short talks by participants (Session I)

    • 8:30-10:00

      Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology     [Aula P1]

      Chairs: Duccio Cavalieri, Teresa Rinaldi

      Annamaria Bevivino (Rome)
      Environmental microbial signatures revealed by metagenomic analysis of the airways of cystic fibrosis patients

      Bruno Casciaro (Rome)
      Frog-skin esculentin-1a derived peptides against Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis: anti-biofilm activity and immobilization to soft contact lenses

      Simona Crognale (Rome)
      Exploitation of biological As(III)-oxidation in water treatment systems: potentialities and microbiome profiling in bioreactors

      Giovanni Bacci (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Flying to Mars: the human microbiome under isolated conditions

      Francesca D'Angelo (Rome)
      Biotechnological exploitation of bacterial communication processes: from quorum sensing inhibition to the generation of synthetic cells interfacing with natural cells


      Genetics of Microorganisms     [Aula P1]

      Chairs: Francesco Imperi, Renato Fani

      Sarah Hijazi (Rome)
      Hijacking bacterial iron metabolism using the transition metal gallium

      Alice Checcucci (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Playing with the rhizobial Mega-Apps: creation and multi-omics characterization of a genomically hybrid strain in the nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti

      Olivier Jousson (Trento)
      The role of Type VI Secretion System on the competitiveness of P. aeruginosa clinical isolates

      Paola Sperandeo (Milan)
      Characterization of an E. coli suppressor mutant that can survive and assemble a functional LPS transport machinery in the absence of the essential inner membrane-tethered LptC

      Alessandra Fortuna (Rome)
      DksA-dependent regulation of quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    • 8:30-10:00

      Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology     [Aula C – Biochimica, 2° Floor]

      Chairs: Andrea Bellelli, Graziano Pesole

      Federico Martinelli (Palermo)
      Meta-analysis of RNA-seq data to gain insight into crop responses to environmental stresses

      Marco Russo (Bologna)
      Analyses of genomic R-loop maps induced by G-quadruplex ligands in human cancer cells

      Federica Zinghirino (Catania)
      VDAC (voltage dependent anion selective channel) promoters elements and their involvement in metabolic stress

      Elisa Margherita Maffioli (Milan)
      Nanostructured surfaces promote differentiation and maturation events in different cell types

      Marcello Manfredi (Alessandria)
      Integrating serum proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics to study the effect of sport activity

    • 8:30-10:00

      Chromosome Biology, Cell Division and Cell Cycle     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

      Chair: Giulia Guarguaglini

      Valeria Palumbo (Rome)
      Morgana/CHP-1 is required for oogenesis and early embryonic divisions in Drosophila

      Patrizia Lavia (Rome)
      RANBP2: a nucleoporin with key roles in protein SUMOylation

      Ferdinando Di Cunto (Orbassano, TO)
      Citron kinase inactivation inhibits medulloblastoma progression by inducing apoptosis and cell senescence

      Patrizia Sarogni (Pisa)
      Cohesin over-expression promotes colorectal cancer development

      Veronica Ferrucci (Naples)
      A genotype/ phenotype correlation study to dissect the clinical features of the PRUNE-1 syndrome (#617481)


      DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

      Chairs: Antonio Musio, Ennio Prosperi

      Serena Montalbano (Parma)
      Identification of the biological target of new platinum, copper and nickel complexes

      Anita Palma (Rome)
      MUS81 endonuclease activity is regulated by CHK2 for replication forks rescue upon replication stress and BRCA2 depletion

      Antonella Porrazzo (Rome)
      Low doses of gamma irradiation render Drosophila melanogaster resistant to the DNA damage

      Elisa Palumbo (Padua)
      Identification of molecular biomarkers useful for predicting the likelihood of radiation-induced side effects in oncological patients undergoing radiotherapy

      Giulio Ticli (Pavia)
      Live cell imaging analysis of the influence of p21CDKN1A on PCNA-partners turnover at UV-induced DNA damage sites

    • 8:30-10:00

      Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors     [Aula Magna]

      Chairs: Sara Cabodi, Miriam Martini

      Giulia Bon (Rome)
      HMGA1/E2F1 axis and NFkB pathways regulate LPS progression and trabectedin resistance

      Amani Bouzidi (Rome)
      Impact of the inhibition of the mitochondrial Serine hydroxymethyltransferase enzyme in mitochondrial respiration and cancer cell growth

      Viola Calabrò (Naples)
      Secreted YB-1 regulates NFkB signaling pathway in receiving cells

      Lidia Chellini (Rome)
      Regulation of ovarian cancer progression by IQGAP1 through endothelin-1 receptor signalling

      Silvia Soddu (Rome)
      The p53 mitotic centrosomal localization contributes to mitotic surveillance pathway


      Cellular Stress, Apoptosis and Autophagy     [Aula Magna]

      Chairs: Daniela Barilà, Lucia Morbidelli

      Romina Burla (Rome)
      A new telomeric and ESCRT complex associated factor

      Andrea Guarino (Naples)
      YB-1 recruitment to stress granules in Zebrafish reveals a differential adaptive response

      Alberto Inga (Trento)
      An RBP complex containing DHX30 and PCBP2 operates translation control acting as gatekeeper for p53-dependent apoptosis

      Marialuisa Piccolo (Naples)
      Nucleolipidic-based Ru(III) nanosystems induce multiple cell death pathways activation in preclinical models of human breast cancer

      Gaetana Paolella (Fisciano, SA)
      Involvement of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in stress response to the environmental pollutant 4-Nonylphenol in a human liver cell line

    • 8:30-10:00

      Transcriptional Mechanisms and Epigenetic Modifications     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

      Chairs: Giacomo Donati, Aymone Gurtner

      Michele Menotta (Urbino)
      ATM unconventional splicing modulation by glucocorticoids

      Veronica Ruta (Rome)
      Strategies to inhibit PRC2 methyltransferase activity in Arabidopsis seedlings

      Annalisa Roberti (Pavia)
      Epigenetic marks at satellite-free and satellite-based centromeres

      Elisa Coluzzi (Rome)
      How oxidative stress affects telomere structure and telomeric epigenetic modifications?


      Non-coding RNA     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

      Chairs: Alessandro Fatica, Francesca Orso

      Silvia Biscarini (Rome)
      LncRNAs in motor neuron differentiation and physiopathology

      Neri Mercatelli (Rome)
      HULC/miR-186/Twist: a novel molecular axis in the resistance of Ewing Sarcoma to YK-4-279

      Simone Detassis (Trento)
      An innovative technology for the direct detection of microRNAs in biofluids

      Giorgio Dieci (Parma)
      SINE-encoded ncRNA profiling unveils a new layer of epigenetic dysregulation in cancer

      Lidia Villanova (Rome)
      MiR-663 sustains NSCLC by inhibiting mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) through PUMA/BBC3 and BTG2

    • 8:30-10:00

      Plant Nutrition and Biofortification     [Aula A – Fisiologia Generale]

      Chairs: Laura De Gara, Anita Zamboni

      Francesca Cardinale (Grugliasco, TO)
      Strigolactones effects on root acidification ability

      Sara Cimini (Rome)
      Lead exposure differentially affect growth, antioxidative network and nutrient uptake in metallicolous and non-metallicolous Zygophyllum fabago populations

      Flaviana Marzano (Bari)
      Scouting cross-kingdom transfer: effect of plant microRNA on the expression of human genes involved in cell proliferation

      Pasqualina Woodrow (Caserta)
      Tvv1 retrotransposon family is activated by seaweed extracts in Micro-Tom genome

      Sezen Yilmaz-Sarialtin (Ankara, Turkey)
      In vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of some viola L. species in Turkey


      Photosynthesis, Metabolism and Environmental Stress     [Aula A – Fisiologia Generale]

      Chairs: Cinzia Bertea, Nicola Tomasi

      Giulia Russo (Grugliasco, TO)
      Strigolactones and abiotic stress in plants: modulation of abscisic acid transport

      Cecilia Brunetti (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Abscisic acid dynamics in leaves, shoot and roots of Populus nigra exposed to drought: relationships with water relations and carbohydrate status

      Libero Gurrieri (Bologna)
      Rearrangements in carbon metabolism under osmotic stress: from central metabolism to stress response

      Davide Marzi (Rome)
      COP1 mediates light-controlled stamen growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

      Alberta Pinnola (Verona)
      Archeology of stress-resistance genes: a novel strategy to improve photosynthesis and productivity in crops


    Coffee break     [Terrace]


    Plenary Lecture     [Aula Magna]

    Chair: Omar Rota-Stabelli (Trento)

    Alexei Maklakov (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
    Why do we age: disposable soma of functional trade-offs?


    SARTORIUS Short Talk     [Aula Magna]

    T. Claudio Bencivenga (Milan)
    IncuCyte® S3: live-cell analysis system


    Lunch time and Posters viewing (Session I)


    Plenary Symposium     [Aula Magna]
    Oxidative Stress, Protein Damage and Repair: Implications in Health and Disease

    Chair: Alessandra Polissi (Milan), Roberto Sitia (Milan)

    Frédéric Barras (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)
    Protein homeostasis control: fighting ROS damages by repairing oxidized proteins

    Roberto Sitia (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan)
    Tuning redox signaling in and between cells

    Alessandro Giuffrè (CNR-IBPM, Rome)
    Energy, redox status and gasotransmitters: poisons at work!

    Giovanna De Chiara (CNR, Rome)
    Recurrent Herpes Simplex Virus -1 (HSV-1) infection causes neurodegenerative signs and cognitive deficits in mice. Role of protein oxidation


    Coffee break     [Terrace]


    Parallel Symposia

    1. Emergence and Spread of Archaic and Modern Humans: News from Bones and Genomes     [Aula P1]

    Chairs: Antonio Torroni (Pavia), Luca Sineo (Palermo)

    Giorgio Manzi (Sapienza University of Rome)
    The evolution of the genus Homo has been driven by a series of geographical dispersals

    Robert Foley (University of Cambridge, UK)
    Evolution of Homo sapiens in Africa: integrating genes, fossils and behaviour

    Carles Lalueza-Fox (CSIC-University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)
    Genomics of the bell beaker phenomenon and the transformation of Western Europe

    Cristian Capelli (University of Oxford, UK)
    Recent, ancient and archaic genomic signatures in the Italian population

    2. Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Transgenerational Inheritance     [Aula Magna]

    Chairs: Michele Morgante (Udine), Antonella Russo (Padua)

    Marco Barchi (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
    Molecular mechanisms underlying X-Y chromosomes segregation errors during meiosis

    EMBO Young Investigator Lecture
    Nicola Iovino
    (Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany)
    Epigenetic inheritance through the germline in Drosophila

    James Hackett (EMBL, Monterotondo, Rome)
    Genetic and epigenetic regulation of the mammalian germline

    EMBO Young Investigator Lecture
    Isabel Bäurle
    (University of Potsdam, Germany)
    Chromatin regulation of heat stress memory in plants

    3. Proteins as Drug Target and Drugs, and Protein Degradation as a Therapeutic Strategy     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

    Chairs: Alberto Boffi (Rome), Andrea Mozzarelli (Parma)

    Giuseppe Zanotti (University of Padua)
    Structural determination of proteins of Helicobacter pylori relevant for bacterial survival and pathogenicity

    Antonella Isacchi (Nerviano Medical Sciences, Milan)
    Kinases as drug targets: state of the art and future perspectives

    Cecilia Weigelt (Biotech Research & Product Development, Chiesi Group, Lidingo, Sweden)
    The CMC and biological development path of an enzyme replacement therapeutic drug - from idea to EMA approval

    Alessio Ciulli (University of Dundee, Scotland, UK)
    Drug design for targeted protein degradation

    4. Crossing Biological Barriers, in Health and Disease     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

    Chairs: Massimo Masserini (Milan), Vito De Pinto (Catania)

    Francesca Re (University of Milano-Bicocca)
    Modeling the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in healthy and diseased states

    Sara Nicoli (University of Parma)
    Innovative strategies to overcome ocular barriers

    Valeria Dall’Asta (University of Parma)
    Cationic amino acid transport: physiology and pathology

    Krisztina Herédi-Szabó (SOLVO Biotechnology, Budaörs, Hungary)
    Challenges and opportunities to develop drugs traversing biological barriers


    Societies' time

    AGI     [Aula Magna]

    19:00 Premio AGI "Ferruccio Ritossa" 2018 e presentazione del lavoro premiato
    19:20 Premio Dottorato AGI/Zanichelli 2018 e presentazione del lavoro premiato
    19:40 Assemblea dei Soci AGI

    SIBV     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

    Premi 2018:
    - SIBV Seed Grants
    - Giovani Biologi Vegetali

    Assemblea Sociale

    SIMAG     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

    Assemblea dei soci

  • Thursday, 20 September


    Short talks by participants (Session II)

    • 8:30-10:00

      Development, Differentiation and Ageing     [Aula Sergi – Antropologia, 1° Floor]

      Chairs: Daniele Condorelli, Fulvio Della Ragione

      Adriana Borriello (Naples)
      Studies on cancer-associated CDKN1B mutations: unravelling a novel mechanism for tumor suppressor loss of function

      Marina Bruno (Florence)
      Role of sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling axis in the differentiation of epithelial cochlear progenitors

      Roberta Cascella (Florence)
      The mechanism of neuronal toxicity by oligomers and fibrils of a-synuclein

      Stefania Martucciello (Fisciano, SA)
      Tbx1 interacts genetically with Vegfr3 to regulate lymphangiogenesis in mice

      Rebecca Piccarducci (Pisa)
      Influence of APOε polymorphism and physical activity on the well-being of erythrocytes: antioxidant capability and cellular membrane assessment


      Stem Cells, iPS, Cancer Stem Cells     [Aula Sergi – Antropologia, 1° Floor]

      Chairs: Gianni Cuda, Gabriele Stocco

      Maria Giovanna Garone (Rome)
      Development of new cranial motor neuron differentiation protocol from human iPS cells carrying ALS mutations

      Chiara Giacomelli (Pisa)
      New insights on the human bone-marrow and gingival mesenchymal stem cell responses to senescence induction

      Giusj Pugliese (Rome)
      Generation of an iPSC model to investigate replicative stress as the possible molecular mechanism underlying Schimke immune-osseous dysplasia

      Alessandro Rosa (Rome)
      Dysregulation of RNA metabolism in iPSC-derived FUS mutant human motor neurons, an in vitro model system for Amyotophic Lateral Sclerosis

      Federico Salaris (Rome)
      Transcriptome and proteome analysis of FXS patient-derived iPSC lines to investigate FMRP role and its interactors during neural development

    • 8:30-10:00

      Metabolism and its Regulation in Health and Diseases     [Aula C – Biochimica, 2° Floor]

      Chairs: Mauro Magnani, Luigi Palmieri

      Giulia Guiducci (Rome)
      Beyond intermediary metabolism: characterization of the moonlighting function of human serine hydroxymethyltransferase

      Alessio Menga (Bari)
      Blockade of glutamine synthetase enhances inflammatory response in microglial cells

      Vito Porcelli (Bari)
      Molecular identification and functional characterization of a novel glutamate transporter in yeast and plant mitochondria

      Karim Zuhra (Rome)
      Synthesis and breakdown of H2S, the third gasotransmitter

      Gianluca Mattei (Florence)
      Metabolism in breast cancer: a systems biology approach

    • 8:30-10:00

      Human Genetics and Genomic Diversity     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

      Chairs: Alessandro Achilli, Luca Pagani

      Michela Leonardi (Cambridge, UK)
      Human genetic diversity and the effects of subsistence strategies

      Angelica Macauda (Pisa)
      Inherited variation in the xenobiotic transporter patwhay and survival of multiple myeloma (MM) patients: an IMMEnSE study

      Manuel Gentiluomo (Pisa)
      A Mendelian randomization approach to predict the risk to develop pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

      Marco Capodiferro (Pavia)
      Exploring the genetic history of Panamanians through ancient genomes

      Linda Ongaro (Tartu, Estonia)
      The european heritage of american populations


      Evolutionary Biology     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

      Chairs: Giorgio Manzi, Marco Oliverio

      Valeria Russini (Rome)
      A biogeographic analysis of loss of planktotrophy in caenogastropod molluscs (Gastropoda, Nassariidae)

      Omar Rota Stabelli (San Michele all'Adige, TN)
      The genome of Drosophila subpulchrella helps polarising the evolution of pest traits in its sister species Drosophila suzukii

      Roberto Feuda (Bristol, UK)
      A common regulatory neurogenic toolkit in Bilateria

      Costantino Buzi (Rome)
      On the shoulder of the past. The scapula of the Neanderthal from Altamura, Italy

    • 8:30-10:00

      Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology     [Aula A – Fisiologia Generale]

      Chairs: Giulia Piaggio, Giorgio Racagni

      Carlo Brighi (Rome)
      Modeling Fragile X syndrome with iPSC-derived neurons as a purpose of deciphering the molecular mechanisms and the neurobiological phenotypes associated with the pathology

      Anna Maria Lucianò (Rome)
      M2 muscarinic receptors show inhibitory effects on drug resistance in human neuroblastoma cells

      Claudia Colussi (Rome)
      Nitro-oxidative stress dependent Nup153 alteration affects neural stem cell function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

      Serena Faggiano (Parma)
      Human serine racemase, a drug target for neuropathologies

      Ciro Iaccarino (Sassari)
      Role of LRRK2 in the regulation of dopamine receptor trafficking


      Nutrition Biochemistry     [Aula A – Fisiologia Generale]

      Chairs: Francesco Bonomi, Silvana Hrelia

      Paola Antonia Corsetto (Milan)
      Nutrient deprivation alters lipid phenotype in triple-negative breast cancer

      Simone Luti (Florence)
      Investigating the nutraceutical properties of peptides extracted from Tuscany sourdoughs

      Laura Giusti (Pisa)
      A proteomic approach to study the neuroprotective effect of oleocanthal in SH-SY5Y cells

      Stefania Iametti (Milan)
      Structure-dependent biological activities of food-related stilbene derivatives isomers

      Pasquale Marrazzo (Rimini)
      Enhancing stem cell functionality through antioxidant supplementation

    • 8:30-10:00

      Immunology and Host-Pathogen Interaction     [Aula Magna]

      Chairs: Fiorentina Ascenzioni, Paolo Visca

      Duccio Cavalieri (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Strain level analysis of intestinal fungi and immune mediated host-yeast interaction

      Marta Kinga Lemieszek (Lublin, Poland)
      Beneficial effect of cathelicidin on treatment of hypersensitivity pneumonitis induced by Pantoea agglomeransin vivo studies

      Maria Luisa Mangoni (Rome)
      How to control Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced pneumonia? A lesson from derivatives of the amphibian skin peptide esculentin-1a

      Luca Cavinato (Rome)
      Escaping the oxidative burst: dual role of the P. aeruginosa superoxide dismutases

      Federica Runci (Rome)
      The contribution of iron uptake to Acinetobacter baumannii pathogenicity


      Plant Development and Disease     [Aula Magna]

      Chairs: Franco Faoro, Michela Zottini

      Alex Costa (Milan)
      Looking for aminoacid-gated calcium channels in plants: functional, biochemical and structural characterization of one GLR isoform

      Cristina Ruberti (Muenster, Germany)
      Fine-tuning the unfolded protein response in plants

      Anna Fiorillo (Rome)
      Biochemical characterization of Salt tolerance-related protein (STRP): a new protein involved in cold stress in A. thaliana

      Federica Locci (Rome)
      Oxidation of Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns as a homeostatic mechanism in plant immunity and development

      Vincenzo Lionetti (Rome)
      Pectin methylesterases in plant immunity: activators or susceptibility factors?

    • 8:30-10:00

      Biotransformations     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

      Chairs: Loredano Pollegioni, Raffaele Porta

      Paola Branduardi (Milan)
      Optimizing the biotransformation of residual biomasses by ameliorating the effectiveness of cell factories

      Mohammed Sabbah (Naples)
      Innovative chitosan-based biodegradable plastics as food coating and wrapping

      Valeria Vecchi (Verona)
      Identification of two novel hemicellulosolytic enzymes from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga neapolitana and their exploitation for lignocellulose degradation

      Andrea Franzetti (Milan)
      Removal and biodegradation of air pollutants by plant-bacteria interactions in urban areas

      Sara Ragucci (Caserta)
      Purification and characterization of a novel peroxidase from seeds of Araujia sericifera Brot


      Glycoconjugates     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

      Chairs: Alberto Passi, Eugenia Schininà

      Livia Cabitta (Milan)
      Identification of the antigen recognized by rHIgM22, a remyelination-promoting human monoclonal antibody and his effect on glial cells

      Ilaria Caon (Varese)
      The long non coding RNA HAS2-AS1 regulates breast cancer cells aggressiveness acting as a competing endogenous RNA

      Elena Caravà (Varese)
      Role of TNFα on endothelial glycocalyx

      Michela Pucci (Bologna)
      Glycosylation in colorectal cancer: role of B4GALNTII and Sialyl Lewis x antigen


    Coffee break     [Terrace]


    Plenary Lecture     [Aula Magna]

    Chair: Mario Pezzotti (Verona)

    Luis Herrera Estrella (LANGEBIO, Mexico)
    Genetically modified plants: past, present and future


    SENECO Short Talk     [Aula Magna • this talk will be in Italian]

    Ettore Senes (Milan)
    Ultrasound-assisted emerging technologies for applied and basic research


    Lunch time and Posters viewing (Session II)


    Plenary Symposium     [Aula Magna]
    Life is Also a Matter of Taste and Smell

    Chairs: Roberto Barale (Pisa), Guglielmina Nadia Ranzani (Pavia)

    Wolfgang Meyerhof (Saarland University, Homburg, Germany)
    Different tongues for different people? - Genetics of bitter taste receptors and perceptual differences in individuals and the population

    Catia Sternini (UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA)
    Gut bitter taste receptors as sensors of luminal content

    Paolo Gasparini (University of Trieste)
    Genes and food preferences and their role in personal choices, lifestyle and health

    Darren Logan (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK)
    Do you smell what I smell? The genetics of olfaction


    Coffee break     [Terrace]


    Parallel Symposia

    1. RNA Biology     [Aula A – Fisiologia Generale]

    Chairs: Irene Bozzoni (Rome), Salvatore Oliviero (Turin)

    Danny Incarnato (IIGM, Turin)
    Dissecting the RNA structurome to decipher in vivo RNA folding dynamics

    Gian Gaetano Tartaglia (Centre for Genomic Regulation and ICREA, Barcelona, Spain)
    Aggregation, neurodegeneration and RNA networks

    Julie Martone (Sapienza University of Rome)
    Lnc-049, a cytoplasmiclLong non-coding RNA involved in skeletal muscle differentiation

    2. Inflammation and Disease     [Aula Magna]

    Chairs: Carlo Riccardi (Perugia), Paolo Pinton (Ferrara)

    Cecilia Garlanda (Humanitas University, Milan)
    IL-1R8, a negative regulator of inflammation and checkpoint molecule

    Francesco Di Virgilio (University of Ferrara)
    ATP: the quintessential DAMP

    Maria Lina Bernardini (Sapienza University of Rome)
    PAMPs: linking bacterial recognition and inflammatory response

    Stefano Bruscoli (University of Perugia)
    Glucocorticoid and B cell functions: role of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ)

    3. Carbon Cycle and Climate Change: the Future     [Aula Montalenti – Genetica]

    Chairs: Luca Espen (Milan), Sergio Esposito (Naples)

    Maria De Nobili (University of Udine)
    Soil, the second active planet scale interface: effects and perspectives of climate change

    Nick Ostle (Lancaster University, UK)
    Climate change and soil biotic carbon cycling

    Mauro Centritto (IVALSA, CNR, Florence)
    Evolution of stomatal and mesophyll conductance: implications for carbon and water exchange in drylands

    Rémi Lemoine (CNRS and University of Poitiers, France)
    Flux of carbon from leaves to roots in plants under environmental stress


    Social dinner     [Ristorante La Limonaia]


  • Friday, 21 September


    Plenary Symposium     [Aula Magna]
    Farming for Pharming: Plants as Biofactories (in the Production of Vaccines, Antibiotics, Anticancer)

    Chairs: Marcello Donini (Rome), Franco Faoro (Milan)

    Emanuela Noris (CNR, Turin)
    Transient expression of anticancer and antiviral antigens in plants

    Julian K-C. Ma (St. George’s, University of London, UK)
    Molecular pharming in tobacco to provide antibody based solutions for global health

    Selene Baschieri (ENEA Centro Ricerca Casaccia, Rome)
    Plant-derived vaccines and smart drugs

    Linda Avesani (University of Verona)
    Plant-made nanomaterials for diagnosis and therapy


    Plenary Lecture     [Aula Magna]

    Chair: Bianca Colonna (Rome)

    Josep Casadesús (University of Seville, Spain)
    Waddington's landscapes in the microbial world


    SEQUENTIA BIOTECH Short Talk     [Aula Magna]

    Walter Sanseverino (Barcelona, Spain)
    When computer science meets life science: novel bioinformatics approaches to improve NGS data interpretation


    Coffee break     [Terrace]


    Plenary Symposium     [Aula Magna]
    Regulatory Network Dynamics: from Interaction to Function

    Chairs: Matteo Barberis (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Pier Luigi Martelli (Bologna)


    FEBS National Lecturer - Luis Serrano Pubul (Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain)
    Comprehensive systems analysis of the transcriptome and its regulation of a genome reduced bacterium

    Matteo Barberis (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
    Deciphering yeast physiology by a multi‐scale framework integrating cell cycle and metabolism

    Davide Cacchiarelli (TIGEM, Napoli)
    Understanding transcription factors biology through genomics

    Adil Mardinoglu (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
    The employment of systems biology in treatment of liver diseases


    Poster Prizes and Closing Remarks     [Aula Magna]


    Societies' Time

    SIBV     [Aula Giacomini – Botanica]

    Elevator Pitch Session
    Premio Assunta Baccarini Melandri

    SIMGBM     [Aula Magna]

    Consegna Premi Franco Tatò e Mario Campa 2018
    Assemblea Generale dei Soci

  • Posters

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    • Wednesday, 19 September • 13:15-14:30

      Topic 1 - Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

      Topic 2 - Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology

      Topic 3 - Chromosome Biology, Cell Division and Cell Cycle

      Topic 4 - Transcriptional Mechanisms and Epigenetic Modifications

      Topic 6 - Photosynthesis, Metabolism and Environmental Stress

      Topic 7 - Genetics of Microorganisms

      Topic 8 - DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination

      Topic 9 - Non-coding RNA

      Topic 10 - Plant Nutrition and Biofortification

      Topic 11 - Cellular Stress, Apoptosis and Autophagy

      P1.1 Khaled Abdelrhman (Florence)
      High similarities in the gut microbiota of the two cetacean species Tursips truncatus and Stenella coerulealba

      P1.2 Antonia Bruno (Milan)
      Drinking water microbiota: where biodiversity rules

      P1.3 Renata Denaro (Messina)
      Bioremediation in marine environment, opportunities and challenges approaching the Blue Growth

      P1.4 Andrea Di Cesare (Genoa)
      Long-term occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes and class 1 integrons in plankton-associated bacteria

      P1.5 Luciana Di Gregorio (Monterotondo, RM)
      Biofilms in cooling towers: biodiversity, structure and seasonality

      P1.6 Camilla Fagorzi (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Innovation towards sustainable future: new perspectives for bacterial-enhanced phytodepuration

      P1.7 Saverio Giampaoli (Rome)
      Clothes from a dead body: the complexity of bacterial populations

      P1.8 C. Valeria L. Giosafatto (Naples)
      Bioactive protein-based films containing an antimicrobial apolipoprotein B fragment

      P1.9 Amina Habbeche (Annaba, Algeria)
      Production and characterization of keratinase from a newly thermophilic actinvomycete Actinomadura keratinilytica strain Cpt29 isolated from Algeria

      P1.10 Giorgia Marcone (Varese)
      Magnetic nanoconjugated teicoplanin: a novel tool for bacterial infection site targeting

      P1.11 Elena Montano (Naples)
      Antibacterial and wound healing effects of colloidal silver on human keratinocytes

      P1.12 Andreu Paytuví Gallart (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)
      Gaia: integrated metagenomics suite

      P1.13 Elisa Piampiano (Florence)
      Screening and selection of Tetraselmis suecica PGP strains

      P1.14 Francesco Pini (Florence)
      Dry-fermented salami: evaluating natural products as an alternative to sodium nitrite

      P1.15 Mattia Pirolo (Rome)
      Bioluminescence-based biosensor for the detection of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa siderophore pyochelin

      P1.16 Daniela Sateriale (Benevento)
      Natural tools in the battle against cariogenic bacteria: in vitro antibacterial effects of polyphenolic extracts of honey and myrtle, also in combination with pomegranate peel extracts, vs S. mutans and R. dentocariosa

      P1.17 Emily Schifano (Rome)
      The foodborne strain Lactobacillus fermentum MBC2 triggers pept-1-dependent prolongevity effects in Caenorhabditis elegans

      P1.18 Barbara Tonanzi (Monterotondo, RM)
      Anaerobic digestion of food waste: the effect of waste activated sludge addition on microbial population composition

      P1.19 Ivano Vigliante (Turin)
      Phytoremediation of whey by Chlorella minutissima induces high lipid accumulation during mixotrophic growth

      P2.1 Giulia Babbi (Bologna)
      From diseases and phenotypes to processes and pathways

      P2.2 Vincenza Barresi (Catania)
      Transcriptome analysis of zinc homeostasis genes reveals a selective altered expression of zinc transporters in colorectal cancer

      P2.3 Luca Brambilla (Milan)
      Glutamate as a multi-purpose nutrient for budding yeast

      P2.4 Martina Cristaldi (Catania)
      Isolation and characterization of a primary human corneal epithelial cell line

      P2.5 Giovanna De Simone (Rome)
      Nitrobindin: an ubiquitous family of all β-barrel heme-proteins

      P2.6 Alessandra Giorgi (Rome)
      The molecular landscape of the amyloid-driven microglia transformation

      P2.7 Maria Rosa Mazzoni (Pisa)
      A mouse model of creatine transporter deficiency syndrome: proteomic approach focused on mitochondrial proteins

      P2.8 Armando Negri (Milan)
      Post translational modifications of sea urchin toposome induced by environmental factors

      P2.9 Graziano Pesole (Bari)
      No Evidence of mtDNA methylation by real-time direct Nanopore sequencing

      P2.10 Gabriella Tedeschi (Milan)
      Characterization of the protein corona adsorbed onto novel nanomaterials in biological media

      P2.11 David Tómas (Barcelona, Spain)
      AIR: Artificial Intelligence RNAseq

      P3.1 Eleonora Cappelletti (Pavia)
      Satellite DNA is responsible for centromere clustering in mammals

      P3.2 Fabio Caradonna (Palermo)
      Two immortalized rat astrocyte cell lines as in vitro model for specific cell proliferation studies: cytogenetic and epigenomic characterization and diversification

      P3.3 Danilo Cilluffo (Palermo)
      The tumor suppressor p14ARF hampers proliferation of aneuploid cells induced by CENP-E partial depletion

      P3.4 Ilaria Dutto (Barcelona, Spain)
      Identifying new genes linked to cell division and regulation of brain size

      P3.5 Jessica Marinaccio (Rome)
      Alternative Lengthening of Telomere (ALT) activated by telomere damage in human primary fibroblasts

      P3.6 Arianna Montanari (Rome)
      Yeast Gcn5 histone acetyltransferase is present in the mitoplasts independently from the SAGA complex

      P3.7 Federica Polverino (Rome)
      Role of the Aurora-A kinase and its regulator TPX2 in control of spindle orientation in human cells

      P3.8 Marilena Taggi (Rome)
      Role of M2 muscarinic receptor in epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC)

      P3.9 Erika Testa (Rome)
      Degree of X-Y aneuploidy in sperms of mice with altered expression of Spo11 splice variants varies with genetic background

      P3.10 Ilaria Virdia (Rome)
      The centrosomal localization of p53 is critical for spindle pole integrity in human nontransformed cells but not in cancer cells

      P4.1 Simona Iezzi (Rome)
      Che-1 is targeted by c-Myc to sustain proliferation in pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

      P4.2 Alessandra Egidi (Rome)
      Top1p mediates Fob1p/Sir2p interaction and contributes to rDNA silencing

      P4.3 Concetta Federico (Catania)
      3D-FISH and Hi-C to study the organization in the cell nucleus of the 7q36.3 chromosomal region, frequently rearranged in leukemic cells

      P4.4 Leonardo Gatticchi (Perugia)
      Ignoring the fats: Tm7sf2 gene disruption impairs in vitro adipocyte differentiation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts

      P4.5 Frauke Goeman (Rome)
      Che-1/AATF-induced transcriptionally active chromatin promotes cell growth in Multiple Myeloma

      P4.6 Manuela Leo (Rome)
      Ubiquitin protease Ubp8 is necessary for S. cerevisiae respiration

      P4.7 Francesco Liguori (Rome)
      Drosophila melanogaster as a model to study in vivo the functional role of Transposable Elements in Huntington’s disease pathogenesis

      P4.8 Ernesto Picardi (Bari)
      Genome-wide RNA editing analysis in human neurological disorders

      P4.9 Karolina Prajzendanc (Szczecin, Poland)
      Constitutional methylation of BRCA1 gene as breast cancer risk factor

      P4.10 Anastasia Ricci (Urbino)
      Dexamethasone effects on HDAC4 in A-T cell lines

      P6.1 Cristina Campobenedetto (Turin)
      Salt stress mitigation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) by the application of a new glutamic acid-based biostimulant

      P6.2 Alice Capecchi (Perugia)
      A single cystein-enriched phaseolin expressed in transplastomic tobacco plants accumulates as a biopolymer

      P6.3 Valentino Casolo (Udine)
      Characterization of calcium uptake in pea stem and root mitochondria

      P6.4 Walter Chitarra (Conegliano, TV)
      Leaf responses to water stress of four grapevine varieties grown in the Northern Italy

      P6.5 Monica Crociata (Rome)
      Cullin neddylation is regulated by water deprivation in Arabidopsis thaliana

      P6.6 Laura De Gara (Rome)
      Redox homeostasis in rice varieties having different sensitivity to salt stress

      P6.7 Maria Concetta de Pinto (Bari)
      Nitrogen metabolism at the tillering stage affects grain yield and grain protein content in durum wheat

      P6.8 Sergio Esposito (Naples)
      Mediterranean barley (Hordeum vulgare) genotypes as a tool to identify specific roles for HSP70s in response to abiotic stress

      P6.9 Graziella Ficociello (Rome)
      The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to evaluate the effects of some atmospheric particulate matters

      P6.10 Amodio Fuggi (Caserta)
      Metabolite distribution during ripening of fruits of sweet cherry landraces of Campania (Italy)

      P6.11 Valentina Giacinti (Rome)
      Antioxidant defense systems in cyanobacteria: the extremophile chroococcidiopsis SP. CCME 029 versus the normophyle synechocystis SP. PCC 6803

      P6.12 Beatrice Giuntoli (Pisa)
      Development of a synthetic molecular oxygen sensor in plants

      P6.13 Antonella Gori (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Ecotype variability in secondary metabolism of Moringa oleifera exposed to severe water deficit and re-watering under high temperature condition

      P6.14 Monirul Islam (Turin)
      Effect of geomagnetic field on plant fatty acid content

      P6.15 Maura Laus (Foggia)
      Direct measurement of native plant sirtuin activity using a Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence (HTRF®)-based assay: first application to durum wheat mitochondria

      P6.16 Vittoria Locato (Rome)
      Salt stress responses in rice: focus on the redox control of root growth

      P6.17 Claudio Lovisolo (Grugliasco, TO)
      Design and set up of a plant growth chamber for stable isotope labeling to investigate carbon attraction toward fruit sinks and plant reserves upon and after drought stress

      P6.18 Cristina Morabito (Grugliasco, TO)
      Apoplastic pH influences grapevine recovery responses to short and prolonged drought

      P6.19 Chiara Pagliarani (Turin)
      Transcriptional response of different Vitis vinifera ‘Nebbiolo’ clones involves molecular signals regulating berry development in coordination with stress defence mechanisms

      P6.20 Elisa Pellegrini (Udine)
      3D visualization of air-filled tissues in two flood-prone halophytes reveals contrasting bottlenecks for long-distance O2 transport

      P6.21 Francesco Petruzzellis (Trieste)
      A leaf selfie reveals drought resistance: visualizing embolism formation in the venation network using a smartphone

      P6.22 Maria Manuela Rigano (Portici, NA)
      Physiological evaluations of tomato cultivars under high temperature stress conditions

      P6.23 Francesca Secchi (Grugliasco, TO)
      Micro-CT assisted analysis of xylem recovery from water stress in poplars subjected to chemical inhibition of cellular activity

      P6.24 Mario Soccio (Foggia)
      First evidences of the existence of Glyoxalase I activity in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) mitochondria and its activation under hyperosmotic stress conditions

      P6.25 Francesca Sparla (Bologna)
      The assembling process of photosynthetic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: the regulation, the structure and something more

      P6.26 Roberta Trani (Bari)
      Seasonal changes in Chaetomorpha linum bioremediation capability of acquaculture wastewater

      P6.27 Dalila Trupiano (Pesche, IS)
      Tissue-specific hormone profiles from woody poplar roots under bending stress 

      P7.1 Giulia Barbieri (Pavia)
      CodY-mediated regulation of gene expression in Group B Streptococcus

      P7.2 Michele Bianchi (Rome)
      Connection between hypoxia and glucose regulation in the expression of the glucose transporter gene RAG1 in Kluyveromyces lactis

      P7.3 Lara Mitia Castronovo (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Azurin: phylogenetic distribution, possible ecological role and quantification in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients

      P7.4 Barbara De Siena (Caserta)
      Characterization of an efflux pump in Mycobacterium smegmatis

      P7.5 Sara Del Duca (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Towards microbe-assisted therapy of colon cancer: exploring oral and intestinal human microbiota in patients with CRC

      P7.6 Anna Maria Puglia (Palermo)
      Streptomyces coelicolor extracellular vesicles:isolation, purification and characterization

      P8.1 Francesca Antonella Aiello (Rome)
      The Werner exonuclease is involved in fork processing and checkpoint activation in response to low-dose of camptothecin

      P8.2 Jacopo Albanesi (Rome)
      DNA damage response kinases as a target for the differentiation treatment of acute myeloid leukemia

      P8.3 Elisabetta Bassi (Pavia)
      A DDB2 mutated protein, unable to interact with PCNA, affects DNA repair and confers proliferation advantage

      P8.4 Francesco Berardinelli (Rome)
      G-quadruplex ligand RHPS4 radiosensitizes glioma xenograft in vivo through a differential targeting of bulky differentiated- and stem-cancer cells

      P8.5 Miriana Cardano (Pavia)
      Investigating PCNA acetylation to identify novel biomarkers of DNA replication stress in normal and tumor cells

      P8.6 Angela Dello Stritto (Rome)
      TRF1 PARylation by PARP1 is required for the accomplishment of telomere replication

      P8.7 Debora Ferri (Pavia)
      XPD mutations differentially affect the cellular composition of TFIIH in XP and TTD patient cells

      P8.8 Isabella Guardamagna (Pavia)
      A new functional in vitro "cell-free" assay as a method to study the DNA repair synthesis

      P8.9 Giorgia Lillo (Rome)
      Investigating the role of WRNIP1 in response to CPT-induced DNA double strand breaks

      P8.10 Eva Malacaria (Rome)
      RAD52 protects replication forks from nascent strand degradation

      P8.11 Valeria Maselli (Rome)
      Genotoxic/mutagenic potential of mobile-phone radiofrequency (915 MHz) in human lymphocytes exposed in vitro to continuous or fractional treatments

      P8.12 Daniela Muoio (Rome)
      RHPS4 telomeric replication stress in BLM CRISPR/Cas9 knockout glioma cells

      P8.13 Valentina Palermo (Rome)
      ATM and CDK1 phosphorylate WRN for a correct and timely execution of DSBs processing

      P8.14 Maria Pallotta (Pisa)
      Antioxidant treatment preserves genome stability in SMC1A-mutated Cornelia de Lange syndrome cells

      P8.15 Elisa Palumbo (Padua)
      DNA damage repair in Friedreich Ataxia: a novel insight for the comprehension of the pathological phenotype

      P8.16 Barbara Pascucci (Rome)
      Post-translational modifications of Drp1 link mitochondrial dysfunction to neurodegenerative features in Cockayne Syndrome A cells

      P8.17 Valentina Prota (Rome)
      In vitro evaluation of DNA and chromosomal damage induction by Silver nanoparticles

      P8.18 Claudia Scalera (Pavia)
      Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) XPG endonuclease is induced by loss of p300/CBP acetyl transferase activity and transcription stress

      P9.1 Elisa Caffarelli (Rome)
      Neurogenin 2 expression is regulated by the long noncoding RNA HOTAIRM1 during in vitro neuronal differentiation

      P9.2 Andrea Carvelli (Rome)
      Noncoding RNA circuitries in motor neuron physiopathology

      P9.3 Eleonora D'Ambra (Rome)
      Study of circular RNAs function in murine motor neurons 

      P9.4 Michela Denti (Trento)
      microRNA-375 distinguishes neuroendocrine from non-neuroendocrine lung tumors in FFPE samples

      P9.5 Fabio Desideri (Rome)
      Charme long noncoding RNA links up with chromatin shaping the 3D nuclear organization

      P9.6 Sabrina Garbo (Rome)
      The lncRNA HOTAIR governs epigenetic modifications causal to EMT and is controlled by HNF4a

      P9.7 Silvia Gasparini (Rome)
      Neuronal circular RNAs in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorders

      P9.8 Aymone Gurtner (Rome)
      Dysregulation of microRNA biogenesis in cancer: the impact of mutant p53

      P9.9 Francesca Orso (Turin)
      miR-214 overexpressing mice develop more aggressive mammary gland tumors

      P9.10 Ramona Palombo (Rome)
      The pncCCND1_B non-coding RNA assembles a RNA-binding protein complex to regulate cyclin D1 transcription in Ewing sarcoma cells

      P10.1 Davide Sega (Verona)
      Determination of magnesium (26Mg) uptake fluxes in grapevine rootstocks through ICP-MS analysis

      P10.2 Nicola Tomasi (Udine)
      Implication of copper and iron availability and sources in plant growth and development

      P10.3 Laura Zanin (Udine)
      Water-extractable humic substances speed up transcriptional response of maize roots to nitrate

      P11.1 Roberto Avola (Catania)
      17b-estradiol regulates mitochondrial metabolism in glioblastoma cells

      P11.2 Giuseppina Camiolo (Catania)
      Alpha Lipoic Acid shows antioxidant and chelating properties against the toxic effects induced by iron overload treatment

      P11.3 Ilaria Camponeschi (Rome)
      Connections among lipid biosynthesis, ROS metabolism and longevity revealed by the deletion of the hypoxic regulator KlMGA2 in Kluyveromyces lactis

      P11.4 Ernestina Capuano (Rome)
      Development of a combination strategy based on ER and oxidative stress in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

      P11.5 Francesco Di Meo (Naples)
      Grape seed extracts shows anticancer activity in mesothelioma cell lines

      P11.6 Ilaria Genovese (Rome)
      Novel insights on Sorcin (SOluble Resistance-related Calcium binding proteIN)-dependent drug-resistance in H1299 cancer cell line and its molecular binding partners

      P11.7 Carla Gentile (Palermo)
      Protective effects of melatonin in inflamed intestinal epithelium are associated with reduced NF-κB activation and changes in DNA methylation status

      P11.8 Jie Hyun Kim (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
      Systemic blood pressure alterations contribute to death of retinal ganglion cells in glaucoma

      P11.9 Lucia Longhitano (Catania)
      Role of heme oxygenase-1 in uveal melanoma progression

      P11.10 Lia Millucci (Siena)
      A comprehensive multisciplinary study on the pathophysiology of the prototype inborn error of metabolism alkaptonuria

      P11.11 Fabiana Miraglia (Pisa)
      Elucidation of alpha-synuclein aggregation process by FRET-based biosensors in living cells

      P11.12 Luciana Mosca (Rome)
      Polyphenols from Arabidopsis thaliana exert protection against Amyloid beta toxicity

      P11.13 Monica Nanni (Rome)
      The aberrant expression of the mesenchymal variant of FGFR2 in the epithelial context inhibits autophagy

      P11.14 Daniela Nicolosi (Catania)
      Role of heme oxygenase 1 in glioblastoma cell proliferation and progression

      P11.15 Melania Olivieri (Catania)
      Protective effects of 2-fucosyllactose in association with hyaluronic acid against oxidative injury induced by hyperosmolarity 

      P11.16 Mauro Patrone (Alessandria)
      Toll-Like Receptors (TRLs): molecular characterization in endothelial cells

      P11.17 Maya Petricciuolo (Perugia)
      Is the mitochondrial compartment involved in U118 glioblastoma cell death induced by the antiglycolytic 3-bromopyruvate?

      P11.18 Maria Pittalà (Catania)
      Post-translational modifications of voltage dependent anion selective channel (VDAC) isoforms from rat liver mitochondria

      P11.19 Elisabetta Rubini (Rome)
      The role of AhR signaling pathways triggered by β-HCH in the progression of prostate cancer

      P11.20 Felicia Sangermano (Naples)
      Higginsians: two novel molecules having potential anticancer effects

      P11.21 Antonietta Stellavato (Naples)
      Effects of hyaluronic acid based formulation containing amino acids, vitamins, and minerals on oxidative stress using an in vitro cell model of UV-A induced damage

      P11.22 Vasile Urechie (Milan)
      Sphingolipid alterations in the cross-talk between primed microglia-and dopaminergic neurons

      P11.23 Giulia Vecchiotti (L'Aquila)
      Exposure to particles debris generated from passenger tyres induces genotoxicity and inflammatory response on raw 264.7 cell line

    • Thursday, 20 September • 13:15-14:30

      Topic 5 - Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors

      Topic 12 - Development, Differentiation and Ageing

      Topic 13 - Metabolism and its Regulation in Health and Diseases

      Topic 14 - Human Genetics and Genomic Diversity

      Topic 15 - Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology

      Topic 16 - Immunology and Host-Pathogen Interaction

      Topic 17 - Biotransformations

      Topic 18 - Stem Cells, iPS, Cancer Stem Cells

      Topic 19 - Nutrition Biochemistry

      Topic 20 - Evolutionary Biology

      Topic 22 - Plant Development and Disease

      P5.1 Stefania Carissimi (Rome)
      The natural sesquiterpene β-caryophyllene acts as an enviromental decontaminant through the interference with the STAT3 signalling pathway

      P5.2 Daniele Condorelli (Catania)
      Gene expression profiles in genome instabllity-based classes of colorectal cancer

      P5.3 Giulia Federici (Rome)
      Can the mitotic centrosomal localization of p53 define ATM variants of uncertain significance (VUS)?

      P5.4 Zaira Ianniello (Rome)
      A positive feed-forward regulatory loop between METTL3 and WTAP sustains the oncogenic role of the m6A methylation complex in myeloid leukemia

      P5.5 Erica Leonetti (Rome)
      PI3K role in the c-Met-mediated migrating and invading behavior of NT2D1 non-seminoma cells

      P5.6 Federica Lo Sardo (Rome)
      In lung cancer, oncogenic YAP/TAZ lead to the inhibition of oncosuppressive TGFBR2 through transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms

      P5.7 Roberta Melchionna (Rome)
      hMENA regulates the cross-talk between tumor cells and cancer associated fibroblasts via Gas6/Axl axis

      P5.8 Francesco Naso (Rome)
      Role of Aurora-A kinase/TPX2 complex in control of chromosome stability and cell trasformation in human cells

      P5.9 Annalisa Pecoraro (Naples)
      Ribosome-free L3 regulates cell proliferation independently of p53 by targeting E2F and inhibiting its function

      P5.10 Donatella Ponti (Latina)
      Nucleolar variant of ErbB3 regulates RNA polymerase I activity

      P5.11 Ilaria Romito (Rome)
      FAK pharmacological inhibition disrupts hepatocellular carcinoma growth and interferes with liver cancer stem cells markers 

      P5.12 Giulia Russo (Naples)
      Role of rpL3 in the translational reprogramming of colon cancer cells resistant to 5-FU

      P5.13 Debora Scaldaferri (Varese)
      The pleiotropic roles of the human RNASET2 tumor suppressor gene

      P5.14 Giorgia Spampinato (Catania)
      Positive caricature transcriptomic effects associated with broad copy number aberrations in colorectal cancer

      P12.1 Walter Arancio (Palermo)
      Progerin expression induces a significant downregulation of transcription from human repetitive sequences in iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons

      P12.2 Maria Arnone (Naples)
      Gene regulatory network approaches for studying the evolution of gut patterning

      P12.3 Francesca Bruno (Catania)
      Nucleolar tau protein colocalizes with UBTF and is related to neuronal in vitro differentiation

      P12.4 Angela D'Anzi (Rome)
      AHI1gene mutations alter ciliopathy-associated molecular mechanisms in Joubert syndrome

      P12.5 Giulia Faravelli (Pavia)
      C. elegans expressing D76N beta-2microglobulin: a useful model for screening drug candidates targeting amyloidosis

      P12.6 Chiara Gabellini (Pisa)
      CRISPR/Cas9-induced inactivation of the autism risk gene setd5 leads to social impairments in zebrafish

      P12.7 Cristina Giuliani (Bologna)
      Demography and ancient/recent population dynamics shape the genetic architecture of human longevity

      P12.8 Manuela Minguzzi (Bologna)
      Effects of Notch1 knockdown on the proliferation and the differentiation of human articular chondrocytes

      P12.9 Danilo Ranieri (Rome)
      The keratinocyte differentiation induced by FGFR2b requires sequential involvement of PKCδ and PKCα

      P13.1 Cristina Algieri (Ozzano dell'Emilia, BO)
      The inhibition kinetics of the Ca2+-activated F-ATPase by F1 inhibitors strengthens its role in the mitochondrial permeability transition pore formation

      P13.2 Tiziana Bacchetti (Ancona)
      Role of paraoxonase-2 in chemoresistance in T24 human bladder cancer cells 

      P13.3 Francesco Balestri (Pisa)
      The approach of intrasite differential inhibition of aldose reductase in counteracting the onset of diabetic complications and inflammation

      P13.4 Matteo Brindisi (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      Santolina corsica Jord. & Fourr. extracts exert pro-apoptotic activity and inhibit breast adenocarcinoma cell (MDA-MB-231) migration

      P13.5 Alessandra Castegna (Bari)
      Harnessing immunometabolism to fight cancer: lessons from glutamine

      P13.6 Angela D'Ascola (Messina)
      Hyaluronan oligosaccharides down-regulate thyroglobulin and NIS expression in human thyrocytes

      P13.7 Giulia di Punzio (Parma)
      Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a system to discover beneficial molecules for mitochondrial diseases

      P13.8 Mirco Dindo (Perugia)
      Effects of oligomerization on peroxisomal import and stability of human alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase

      P13.9 Monica Emanuelli (Ancona)
      Expression of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase in oral malignant melanoma

      P13.10 Luca Frattaruolo (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)
      Elucidating Thioalbamide activity: new insights into TLMs anticancer mechanism

      P13.11 Rosanna Gissi (Barletta)
      Histamine catabolism contributes to cardiac injury by sustaining monoamine oxidase-dependent oxidative stress

      P13.12 Oh-Shin Kwon (Daegu, Republic of Korea)
      Doxorubicin-induced actin cytoskeleton remodeling was regulated by chronophin activation through RhoA/cofilin signaling in Hela cells

      P13.13 Andrea Lia (Lecce)
      A. thaliana enables low-cost, easy and fast in vivo screening of ERQC modulators

      P13.14 Andrea Mozzarelli (Parma)
      Differential oxidative stress in a Guinea pig transfusion model causes by high- and low-affinity PEGylated hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers

      P13.15 Giulia Murtas (Varese)
      New insights on the modulation of human D-amino acid oxidase

      P13.16 Luigi Palese (Bari)
      The protein state of matter: defining a key player in health and disease

      P13.17 Anna Pirozzi (Naples)
      In vitro model of hepatic steatosis to test the protective effects of essential oils on lipid accumulation

      P13.18 Luciano Piubelli (Varese)
      Are D-serine and D-aspartate serum levels putative biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease?

      P13.19 Elia Ranzato (Vercelli)
      Evaluation of the crosstalk between eIF6-driven translation and mitochondrial metabolism: a multi-approaches definition

      P13.20 Agnese Sacchetti (Rome)
      Magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based metabolomic approaches revealed a novel molecular target in metformin treated human glioblastoma cells

      P13.21 Pasquale Scarcia (Bari)
      Functional analysis of mitochondrial citrate carrier (SLC25A1) variants linked to combined D-2- and L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria

      P13.22 Maria Talmon (Novara)
      Bitter taste receptor hTAS2R46 activation regulates mitochondrial Ca2+-buffering in airway smooth muscle cells

      P13.23 Visith Thongboonkerd (Bangkok, Thailand)
      High glucose induces phosphorylation and oxidation of mitochondrial proteins in renal tubular cells: a proteomics approach

      P13.24 Valentina Vassallo (Naples)
      Effects’ study of hyaluronic acid and its hybrid complexes obtained through NAHYCOTM  technology on an in vitro model of osteoarthritis based on two articular cell types

      P14.1 Sofia Beghi (Parma)
      Polymorphism rs7214723 in CAMKK1 and myocardial infarction risk

      P14.2 Maria Bonito (Rome)
      Dynamics of gene conversion in human Y-chromosome palindromes

      P14.3 Laura Ceccuzzi (Verona)
      Effect of sexual hormones (estradiol and testosterone) on RNASEL and PTGS2 genes expression and miR-146a expression in keratinocyte cells

      P14.4 Alda Corrado (Pisa)
      Use of three CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing systems to study specific alleles within LGALS3 gene

      P14.5 Fulvio Cruciani (Rome)
      Rapidly mutating Y-STRs in rapidly expanding populations: discrimination power of the Yfiler Plus multiplex in northern Africa

      P14.6 Francesco Donati (Rome)
      Human genetic diversity of drug metabolizing enzymes: implications in doping control tests

      P14.7 Nicola Rambaldi Migliore (Pavia)
      Refining the genetic history of Panama through modern and ancient mitogenomes

      P14.8 Alessandro Raveane (Pavia)
      The genetic impact of ancient and historical migrations in Southern Italy

      P14.9 Bianca Rotoli (Parma)
      Analysis of LPI-triggering mutations of SLC7A7: evidence for defective trafficking and activity

      P14.10 Annamaria Buschini (Parma)
      Role of epigenetics in idiopathic male infertility

      P14.11 Stefano Sol (Naples)
      Epidermal p63 is essential to control systemic levels of TSLP through repression of Klk6-NFAT signaling

      P14.12 Sabrina Turturro (Rome)
      Evaluation of DNA damage in Myotonic dystrophy cells after treatment with different genotoxic agents

      P15.1 Valentina Astesana (Pavia)
      Study of the role of calcium on glioma T98G cell line

      P15.2 Maria Stefania Brignone (Rome)
      Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts protein-1 (MLC1) controls astrocyte activation in response to inflammatory signals

      P15.3 Marina Ceccarini (Rome)
      CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted gene correction in MLC patient iPSCs

      P15.4 Francesca Cosmi (Rome)
      Hippocampal response to glucocorticoids in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: a route to post-traumatic stress disorders?

      P15.5 Fabrizio De Luca (Pavia)
      Evaluation of neurotoxic effects of platinum compounds on developing rat cerebellum: inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways

      P15.6 Elisa Innocenzi (Rome)
      SLM2 splicing targets are modulated by endocannabinoids in hippocampal neurons

      P15.7 Chiara Lico (Rome)
      Plant virus nanoparticles for BBB crossing and drug delivery to medulloblastoma

      P15.8 Micaela Lucarelli (Rome)
      BDNF anomalies in Niemann Pick type C disease

      P15.9 Alessandro Matera (Rome)
      Expression of acetylcholine nicotinic receptor a7 in rat Schwann cells: implication in nerve regeneration

      P15.10 Roberta Piovesana (Rome)
      Cholinergic effects mediated by M2 muscarinic receptor in human Schwann-like cells induced from adipose mesenchymal stem cells

      P15.11 Laura Pulze (Varese)
      Altered D-serine levels and neutrophils activation as early markers of inflammation: an in vitro study

      P15.12 Silvia Sacchi (Varese)
      Cellular studies on human D-aspartate oxidase

      P15.13 Federica Sandrelli (Padua)
      Transcriptional profile of adult dopaminergic neurons in Drosophila melanogaster: a comparison between wild-type and Parkinson’s-related Dj1 mutant flies

      P15.14 Ludovica Spagnuolo (Rome)
      New roles for neuroligins/neurexins families during nervous system development

      P16.1 Alessandra Aiello (Rome)
      Characterization of the effects induced by the HIV-1 recNEFSF2 protein on plasmacytoid dendritic cells

      P16.2 Tuğba Atabey (Istanbul, Turkey)
      In silico analysis of Omp19 and M24/M37 family peptidase of Brucella abortus to identify the potential T cell epitopes

      P16.3 Gianluca Baldanzi (Novara)
      Role of diacylglycerol kinase α in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease and autoimmunity

      P16.4 Floriana Cappiello (Rome)
      The frog skin-derived peptides Esc(1-21) and its diastereomer: are they promoters of airway epithelium repair?

      P16.5 Duccio Cavalieri (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Saccharomyces cerevisiae induces trained immunity in social wasp queens

      P16.6 Lucia Cicchillitti (Rome)
      Circulating biomarkers for tailored treatment strategies in endometrial cancer

      P16.7 Eleonora Da Pozzo (Pisa)
      Cytokine secretion responsiveness of lymphomonocytes following cortisol cell exposure: sex differences

      P16.8 Marta De Angelis (Rome)
      G6PD deficiency and the redox imbalance: new insights into the susceptibility and the immune response to influenza A virus

      P16.9 Cristina Failla (Rome)
      Interleukin (IL)-17/IL-36 axis in the crosstalk between endothelial cells and keratinocytes in inflammatory skin responses

      P16.10 Neda Feizi (Rome)
      CD8 T cell responses to apoptosis-associated antigens in Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis

      P16.11 Stefania Fochi (Verona)
      NF-κB activation mediated by HTLV-1 transactivator Tax protein is impaired in TRAF3 knock-out cells

      P16.12 Flavia Giannessi (Rome)
      HIV-1 NEFsf2 protein increases the exosome production in THP-1 human monocytic cells differentiated with PMA

      P16.13 Martina Kunkl (Rome)
      The importance of being Proline: biochemical and functional difference between human and mouse CD28 cytoplasmic tail

      P16.14 Laura Mercurio (Rome)
      IL-38 has an anti-inflammatory action in psoriasis and its expression correlates with disease severity and therapeutic response to anti-IL-17 treatment

      P16.15 Martina Pasqua (Rome)
      Shigella modulation of polyamines during the invasion of host cells

      P16.16 Luca Simula (Rome)
      Anti-tumor T cell-mediated immune-surveillance requires the mitochondria pro-fission protein Drp1

      P16.17 Alessandro Zennaro (Rome)
      Regulation of Shigella virulence genes expression in response to human gut environment

      P17.1 Manuel Benedetti (Verona)
      Development of a microalgal-based powder with thermostable cellulolytic activity

      P17.2 Nadia Berterame (Milan)
      Copper homeostasis as a target to improve Saccharomyces cerevisiae tolerance to oxidative stress

      P17.3 Loredano Pollegioni (Varese)
      Lignin valorization: a systems biocatalysis approach

      P17.4 Raffaele Porta (Naples)
      Milk whey protein-based biomaterials with improved properties

      P17.5 Asmaa Sabah/Al-Asmar (Naples)
      Effect of mesoporous silica nanoparticles on the pectin film mechanical properties

      P18.1 Tiziana Angrisano (Naples)
      Identification of Prame-target genes as new markers of 2C-like in mouse embryonic stem cells

      P18.2 Simona Daniele (Pisa)
      Long lasting inhibition of MDM2-p53 complex potentiates mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into osteoblasts

      P18.3 Marco Fiorillo (Salford, United Kingdom)
      Bergamot natural products eradicate cancer stem cells (CSCs) by targeting mevalonate, Rho­GDI­ signalling and mitochondrial metabolism

      P18.4 Eugenia Guida (Rome)
      BRafV600E mutation in combination with loss of tumor suppressor Pten in adult NSCs induces astrocytoma formation

      P19.1 Sonila Alia (Ancona)
      Taste sensitivity in parkinsonian patients

      P19.2 Cristina Angeloni (Camerino)
      Study of the synergistic effects of sulforaphane, epigallocatechin gallate and plumbagin against H2O2 in SH-SY5Y cells

      P19.3 Maria Teresa Cambria (Catania)
      An in vitro retinoblastoma microvascular endothelial cells model: inhibiting effect of Quercetin and its 8-Methylquercetin Pentamethyl Ether derivative

      P19.4 Ivana Caputo (Fisciano, SA)
      The toxic alpha-gliadin peptide 31-43 induces different biological effects in skin-derived cells from celiac subjects and from healthy controls

      P19.5 Marco Chiaramonte (Palermo)
      [6]-gingerol effects on the immune system of invertebrates and vertebrates

      P19.6 Stefania D'Adamo (Bologna)
      Hydroxytyrosol attenuates the hypomethylation of miR­-9 promoters induced by oxidative stress

      P19.7 Guglielmo Duranti (Rome)
      Quercetin supplementation decreases erythrocytes oxidative damage at resting and after an acute bout of eccentric exercise in humans

      P19.8 Silvana Hrelia (Rimini)
      Meripillus giganteus extract exerts chemopreventive properties by inducing apoptosis in leukemia cell-lines

      P19.9 Giuseppe Mannino (Turin)
      Chemical profile, antioxidant properties and molecular fingerprinting of six varieties of Pistacia vera L.

      P19.10 Laura Mazzanti (Ancona)
      Evaluation of dysgeusia in cancer patients: development of effective interventions in future

      P19.11 Anna Perrone (Palermo)
      Chemical characterization, molecular fingerprinting and antioxidant activity of leaves of Annona cherimola Mill.

      P19.12 Cecilia Prata (Bologna)
      Mechanism underlying the effect of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni glycosides as insulin-mimetic agents in a Glut-4 -expressing cell model

      P19.13 Sara Ragucci (Caserta)
      Primary structure of the myoglobin from Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola L., family Scolopacidae)

      P19.14 Maria Beatrice Ronci (Rome)
      Baobab (Adansonia digitata): a big tree for a “super fruit”. A study about the characterization of bioactive molecules in baobab fruit

      P19.15 Guangliang Xing (Nanjing, China)
      Transglutaminase as an effective tool to reduce allergenicity of soy proteins in bio-tofu

      P20.1 Marco Barucca (Ancona)
      The evolution of p53 gene family in vertebrates

      P20.2 Federica Carducci (Ancona)
      Environmental temperature-related relationship of teleost Rex transposable elements in the phylogenetic analysis

      P20.3 Ileana Micarelli (Rome)
      Virtual anthropology in the study of human evolution and history

      P20.4 Sara Varano (Rome)
      Feeding people in Medieval Rome: isotope evaluation in several communities of the Roman territory

      P22.1 Maria Aragona (Rome)
      Rolb-transformed tomato plants increase their defence response following Pyrenochaeta lycopersici infection

      P22.2 Laura Bertini (Viterbo)
      Plant-microbe interaction in Antarctica

      P22.3 Matteo Citterico (Rome)
      A Berberine-Bridge enzyme-like protein is a specific oxidase that modifies cellulose oligomers and plays a role in Arabidopsis immunity and development

      P22.4 Alessandra Cona (Rome)
      Involvement of Arabidopsis thaliana Copper Amine Oxidase β in maturation of root protoxylem precursors induced by leaf wounding

      P22.5 Sara Costantini (Rome)
      SEIPIN proteins affect lipid droplet biogenesis in Arabidopsis to promote pollen transmission and reduce seed dormancy

      P22.6 Daniele Del Corpo (Rome)
      Post transcriptional control of AtPME17 expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana during Botrytis cinerea infection

      P22.7 Giuseppe Forlani (Ferrara)
      Arabidopsis cultured cells without a functional P5C dehydrogenase show reduced oxidative burst following the exposure to fungal elicitor, but only in the presence of a functional Pro dehydrogenase

      P22.8 Ilaria Fraudentali (Rome)
      Involvement of Arabidopsis Copper Amine Oxidase β in MeJA/wounding-induced stomatal closure

      P22.9 Roberta Ghelli (Rome)
      The Arabidopsis AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 8 (ARF8) controls pollen development by regulating exine pattern formation

      P22.10 Moira Giovannoni (Rome)
      Preparing for defense: elicitor-triggered priming of Arabidopsis innate immunity requires AtLYK2 and PCaP1

      P22.11 Luca Nerva (Conegliano, TV)
      Unconventional compounds versus endogenous defence mechanisms against powdery mildew: what drives grapevine phyllobiome composition?

      P22.12 Emanuela Pedrazzini (Milan)
      UPR engagement during seed storage protein synthesis

      P22.13 Silvia Proietti (Viterbo)
      Genome-wide association study REVEALS Novel PLAYERS IN Plant hormone crosstalk

      P22.14 Simone Samperna (Rome)
      Characterization of Drechslera gigantea infection in Arabidopsis thaliana and involvement of the unfolded protein response

      P22.15 Maria Carmen Valoroso (Naples)
      Analysis of the AP1-, SEP- and AGL6-like genes expressed in the inflorescence of the Mediterranean orchid Orchis italica

      P22.16 Ivan Visentin (Grugliasco, TO)
      Strigolactones are involved in the floral induction in tomato

      P22.17 Alessandro Vitale (Milan)
      Neofunctionalization of a plant prolamin upon whole genome duplication

      P22.18 Michela Zottini (Padua)
      The mitochondrial protein WHIRLY2 is required for efficient functionality of mitochondria during seed development and germination